AWARD DIVISIONS & CATEGORIES: [LOGIN PASSWORD: bnc] The NNPA Fund is excited to unveil the NEW Messenger Awards, formerly the Merit Awards. This year we are proud to introduce the digital platform for award entries, making it easier and more convenient for NNPA members. In an effort to be more contemporary yet honor our legacy of great publishers, the NNPA Fund Messenger Awards (24) are divided into SIX divisions that include FOUR categories: EQUITY: Health – Emory O. Jackson Award | Education – Frank L. Stanley Award | Social & Criminal Justice – Ida B. Wells Award | Environment – Wilbert L. Holloway Award PERSPECTIVE: Faith & Religion Award | Business Award | Editorial & Opinion – Robert S. Abbott Award | Original Photography Use Award CULTURE: Entertainment – Armstrong Ellington Award | Sports – Don King Award | Youth & Children Award | Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle – Ada S. Franklin Award CREATIVE: Special Edition – Leon W. Washington Award | Original Advertising Campaign – E.Washington Rhodes Award | Layout & Design (Tabloid) – Robert L. Vann Award | Layout & Design (Broadsheet) – Robert L. Vann Award DIGITAL: Website Excellence – A. Philip Randolph Award | Facebook Campaign Award | Instagram Campaign Award| Video Campaign Award AUDIENCE: Community Service – Carl Murphy Award | Community Engagement – W.A. Scott II Award | Newspaper Excellence – John H. Sengstacke Award | Newsletter Excellence Award PINNACLE - JOHN RUSSWURN AWARD EMAIL QUESTION ABOUT: Membership Dues to Okena; membership@nnpa.org Messenger Awards to Desiree: messenger@nnpafund.org
Only NNPA Members, who have PAID 2021 DUES and are in full membership compliance, are eligible to enter the NNPA Fund Messenger Awards 2021. NNPA dues must be paid prior to submitting entries. All entries must have been published within the calendar year of 2020. NOTE: The PAID NNPA Membership list will be updated periodically. Last Updated: April 10, 2021. Updated: May 5, 2021. Next Update: Monday, May 10, 2021. ALL ENTRIES ARE WAIVED. NO ENTRY FEES REQUIRED. EMAIL QUESTION ABOUT: Membership Dues to Okena; membership@nnpa.org Messenger Awards to Desiree: messenger@nnpafund.org
ENTRY SPECIFICATIONS: ALL ENTRIES ARE WAIVED. NO ENTRY FEES REQUIRED. Each newspaper is allowed ONLY ONE ENTRY per category. Submission of more than one entry in any category will result in the disqualification of all entries in that category for your specific newspaper. Failure to comply with ALL submission requirements as outlined will cause rejection of entries. UPLOAD ARTICLE PDFs, FULL PUBLICATION PDFs, SCREENSHOTS OF DIGITAL ENTRIES & URL WEB LINKS. WHOLE editions are submitted ONLY in CREATIVITY DIVISION: Special Edition, Best Layout & Design Tabloid, Best Layout & Design Broadsheet and Newspaper Excellence. ONE PAGE DESCRIPTION of 200 words or less is required for these categories: Original Advertising Campaign, Community Engagement, Community Service, Website Excellence, Facebook Campaign, Instagram Campaign and Video Campaign.
ENTRY ELIGIBILITY: Only NNPA Members, who have paid 2021 dues and are in full membership compliance, are eligible to enter the NNPA Fund Messenger Awards 2021. NNPA dues must be paid prior to submitting entries. All entries must have been published within the calendar year of 2020. Each newspaper is allowed ONLY ONE ENTRY per category. Submission of more than one entry in any category will result in the disqualification of all entries in that category for your specific newspaper. Failure to comply with ALL submission requirements as outlined will cause rejection of entries.